Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Supers

Culture is, and has been for many years, enamored with super powers.  We watch movies about people from other planets that can fly, have incredible strength or can shoot lasers out of their eyes.  Or lets make it more realistic...we pay billions of dollars each year buying football tickets, basketball jerseys and seat covers for our cars to give homage to the "super heroes" in the sports field.

Last summer I remember heading to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, a favorite family past time that we enjoy several times a year.  Every time we take the trip it is a slow, relaxing pace up the mountain.  Usually the only traffic we encounter are deer passing by on the back roads.  But there was something different last July.  There were flashing signs, people in orange vests directing traffic, and detours around The Broadmoor Hotel.  We finally realized that the 2011 US Women's Open was being held at the hotel's beautiful golf course.  A normally quiet area was buzzing with activity and excitement.

This got me thinking...why do we pay money to watch people play a sport?  Because they are good at it.  REALLY good at it.  WAY better then we ourselves are or ever could be.  Have you ever paid to watch someone clean a toilet?  No.  I am going to bet you haven't.  And why?  Because it is no big deal.  Everyone can do it.

So lets now bring this to the spiritual arena.  Why do we wait in line, maybe even pay to see a man heal people? Why was Kathryn Kuhlman's meetings packed?  Why do people go to see Benny Hinn, Oral Roberts, Kenneth Copeland or Kenneth Hagin? ...Because these are the spiritual super heroes. 

Please don't misunderstand me, I am not mocking what these great men and women of God have done and are doing.  (And praise God they are doing it!)  My simple point is that we believe we have no ability to do signs and wonders.  Or we wouldn't be so amazed or content to just watch.   Again, don't misunderstand me, I very much enjoy going to a powerful meeting with manifestations that can only be explained as performed by Jesus through the hands of people.

 But, I am just now truly believing that I can do this too.  That Jesus desires I allow Him to manifest miracles through me.  That this isn't just for the few and chosen.  But for me.  And not just me.  But for you too.  And maybe...just maybe we can be super heroes together.

"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father." John 14:12